Tuesday, November 19, 2013

So yes we won Cupcake Wars!
It is a reality. It was an accomplishment, that happened because myself and Jeremy earned it. Noone else.

Was it possible without help- without a doubt, our parents, our friends and our families, and our trustee taste testers... it helped us get to that level.

John Bale Cafe, was our "incubator", a term they like to refer to themselves as, personally- it reminds me of eggs.. chicken... whatever, but it is really the same concept. We grew and built our business in their facility, used their resources and took our ideas, our blood, sweet sweat and lots of tears into this magnitude if a Cupcake business that we reached. We can't thank them enough for putting up with us for a year, and I know they are so happy that in just a year, we out grew and now are on our own farm... see what I did there?! Haha. Our farm is really a factory- the Old Pin Shop in Oakville, and damn does it feel good to be here.

Honestly, it is night and day. The businesses are cross promoting, welcoming and well, just really nice and supportive. It makes us realize that our choice was the right now.

YES I know I said we put "Connecticut on the Map"
YES I really do mean it.
YES I do know other companies won on Cupcake Wars.
YES I respect those companies.
YES I stand by my damn statement, that luckily everyone LOVED and quote when they come in, It's actually cute.

Here is the thing, those interviews are like 6 hours long, and they edit it, and they kept that part. Honestly I don't even remember say that. And again, honestly I was upset that they didn't keep my quote of  "For all the T Ball games I missed, Bed time stories I couldn't read, and dinners that were take out and not homemade- this is for you, the three biggest fans I have, my loves, my children."

THAT, That is what I really wanted to hear. I had it envisioned that they would be at our party watching it for the first time, and watching me cry and see that I am sorry for everything for the past year I had to miss out on. That is what I wanted.

We are a small business, a very very small business. We  have such respect for every other buisness, because trust me- we KNOW how hard it takes, the hours, the money and the dedication to keep it running.
To hear negative talk through the grape vine, because remember we do live in that small state that "we put on the map" so it is really upsetting to see these companies we respect try to tear us down and pick us apart.

Tell me the reason.
Because it is NOT ok to try to tear down the hard work that myself and my husband have done. We have given up every penny, and then some to start this business, we work 18 hour days regularly, and we refer people to all other local businesses if we can not take a job, especially to the companies that we know are talking negative about us.

It is sad really. Childish, and really at this point kind of comical.
Get over it, and give it up, seriously. People talk. Small businesses talk. And the only way to keep a float is helping one another.

Thank you for all the support, it makes us feel that it was worth the move and the sacrifice to keep this up.
As far as the Cupcake Wars post.. that will be up soon.

We do not broadcast about the show, because as much as it has helped us, launched our business we want to be known for our logo done by Dominic at at Brass City Tattoo and our crazy cupcakes that are always fresh. The cupcake wars logo and winner title, is really just our added bonus on our resume ;)

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Umm SURPRISE... Cupcake Wars tonight will have us on it!

This is just such a hectic month- I have literally three minutes until we have to leave to get ready, so I can't even- or wouldn't want to cram in all the new, eventful and crazy news that is happening and has been hitting us like a ton of bricks.

1- We have moved locations. Thank you to John Bale Cafe for accommodating us, helping us with the start up, and believing in our idea. We appreciate it so much!
2- Our new location will be in the Old Pin Shop in Oakville CT, right above Acorn Liquors *Everyone knows where there is a liquor store right?*
3- We will be having small retail, classes,  and MUCH MUCH more.
4-Our website is in the process of being revamped- Thank you so much Kae Pilat, you are way more creative then myself, or Go Daddy templates could ever do!!
5- Uh yeah Cupcakes Wars TONIGHT 8pm!
6- Rob Zombie is the guest judge!
7- We will be having more locations carrying our cupcakes, so be on the look out!
8- Thank you to all the supporters and dedicated customers we have. Seriously, again- holy shit (excuse the swears , but if you were inside my head right now, that would be tame then what I am really thinking!) We could not have gotten this far in a year without all of the help, and love we get from everyone! xo
9- I apparently swear alot, But hey we are under so much stress.. But now at this point in our business, we are taking all the stress with a positive twist. We are excited to be on our own, and really branching out and doing all these ideas and events and just having fun with our job!

I hope you all like the episode, and if you don't- don't tell me, I am way too sensitive.

Tonight we will be at the Palace Theater, viewing the episode. My stomach is in knots, its KNOT even funny. Get it..  Ok, I am bad at jokes!

We will be doing a charity of the month in support of pitbull rescue. Duh, you already know how much we love us some Elsa <3 (Elsa is our pit rescue from the Waterbury pound!)

We have so many raffles, it is amazing to see so many local businesses we admire donate to help us raise awareness.

We will have pictures tonight to showcase everything, and we are trying to really show this event with photos, so be prepared for LOTS of them

-Elizabeth Richards Gifts Waterbury,CT
-Lady Bug Cake Supple Southbury, CT
-CT Roller Girls
-Onyx Moonshine East Hartford, CT
- Dippys Ice Cream Waterbury,CT
-Watertown Meat Center Watertown,CT
-Pasta Gallery Watertown,CT
-Asa Gleek Designs Torrington,CT
-Kate Stephen Jewelry Bethlehem,CT
-Brazen Betties Torrington,CT
-The Arts Desire Torrington,CT
-Good Life Wine and Spirits Waterbury,CT
-Sheeban Brewery Wolcott,CT
-Sundae Spa Waterbury,CT
-Nick Palazzo Art Southington,CT
-Corin Winters Photography Naugatuck,CT
-JALS Cake Pops Bristol,CT
-Dominic and Vinnies Pizza Waterbury,CT
-Cavallos Deli Waterbury,CT
- Harbor Freight and Too; Waterbury,CT
- Shock n Awe- Waterbury,CT
-Amis Bagels Waterbury,CT
-Hardcore Sweet Waterbury,CT
-FYE Waterbury,CT
-Pinups for Pitbulls New Jersey

and there are probably more that I forgot, I am so sorry- everything is a blur to me and we will have a more accurate list.

Again, thank you all - you are all businesses we admire and respect so to come and show your support for our little cupcake crazy business means a lot!

Thank you to such amazing employees,
Corin and Tricia- you ladies hussled and kicked ass this week. We have two of the best workers anyone could ask for.
Corin, you are my right hand WOman, and best friend- but you get me and check and recite the stupidest jokes that no one thinks is funny but us to help me destress. Thank you so much for everything you have done to help us, and always willing to have sleepless nights to to give me an extra hand. You seriously have been such an amazing worker, and we couldn't have done all this without you! xo
Tricia- You are a great asset to the crew already, thank you so much, you have been such a breath of fresh air throughout the craziness! Your determination and professionalism is something we really admire. We are so happy to have you join us in this new chapter of the business, where shit is going to hit the fan now that we have our own place, and more events happening!

If you do the instagram thing- do a #hardcoresweet so we can capture all the candids whether you are at home at with us at the Palace!
 Uh Yeah, Nick Palazzo is the sick artist (Sick means good still right?!) Either way its amazing! And we are such huge fans of your work!!

Nicole and Jeremy

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Sooo I didn't get RIGHT to posting about This is Hardcore.

But I still am reliving it in my head every time I look at the pictures.
The crowd, the bands, the customers, and the crew and family of TIHC made the trip so worth while.
We can not wait until NEXT YEAR!! 

We had a little fun with the menu. 
Being Jeremy is in a hardcore band- that happened to play-- Hello, 100 Demons. (plug plug plug!) 
He grew up listening to a lot of the bands playing, or he has played with.

I just felt like a fan girl half the time, or a creative baking/clever name genius.

Well... No, I wasn't a fan girl- I mean I love hardcore music- but it wasn't like Buddy Holly was reincarnated and I was watching him play. But, Lou from Sick of It All- made me freak a bit. 
His wife- who might possibly be one of the prettiest, sweetest girls I've met- came up to the truck to tell us how much she loved Ignite. Ummm yes! It made me love her even more.
Then stated we needed a Sick of it All Cupcake. 
Not only did we love this idea and last minute couldn't think of anything.
Luckily Melissa, Lou's wife REALLY thought about it.
I mean REALLY thought about it. And I can't even say how much I loved that- one- it is something I would do for my husband. two- her ideas made sense and were clever, and cute and delcious combos! and three- it showed she really appreciated our company, and supported it. 

Isn't that what it is all about anyway- supporting local businesses, bands, bakeries... 
Between the awesome food trucks that were there that welcomed us- and all the vendors, it really did feel like a close knit group. 
 This is Vermalicious- If you are in the Philly area- GO FIND THIS TRUCK! Pulled Pork Grilled Cheese?!  AMAZING! 
 This is FOO TRUCK. I am in love with how this truck is designed. Again- the food is awesome, and really cool guys with a gourmet twist on their food! 
 I mean... the guy loves Cupcakes and 100 Demons. Well done my friend! 

Our customers from Japan. We aren't even in a band and we sold T Shirts to people in Japan, Germany, Iceland, and England- and of course many kids from the states! 

This is Furnace. Human Furnace. I like to tease Jeremy and say this is Jeremys "Man Crush". I remember at a wedding of a friend, Furance was there- and my husband wouldn't leave his side. Everything he said was the most interesting thing he ever heard, and asked him if he needed a drink more then his wife.
Actually I don't think he even knew I was there the entire wedding.
I'm ok with this because well, The Human Furnace
- the singer of Ringworm is a bad ass dude. He is nice, and friendly and wanted a pickle juice cupcake!
We settled with a Hard Cider and Fireball Whisky Frosting Cupcake. Which is now on the menu- because it went over so well.

Umm yeah - Did I FORGET to mention... GWAR?!?!?!
Blood Spewing GWAR! 
Long story short- these were the NICEST, Friendliest people we have ever met.

I mean- they eat body parts, and drink blood and do insane things that will give people nightmares. 

We had such a blast- and came home to just go right back into so many more fun and crazy events.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

I can not believe it has been this long since an update. Well, I take that back I could. We have been so busy with cupcakes, the food truck life...and well family life. Remember three kids are involved in our crazy daily routine..which makes the struggle, stress and eventually rewards worth it.

We are on our way to Philly... With two of the three crew today to go get permits for a huge Fest we are doing in a couple weeks. It's called This Is Hardcore. Never heard of it? Yeah me neither. 
Just kidding, it's a huge festival with a ton of great bands. 90% have never heard of these bands, but hey...check them out, you might just like them. Jeremys band has played before, and knew how insane the food trucks were at this festival  So when he found out 100 Demons was playing again, he figured why not mix his two (three, including me) loves together. Hs band, and his business.  

I honestly don't know what we are thinking. 2000 cupcakes, most being vegan which is trickier to triple batch...so it's more time consuming. Doing all these frostings, pack everything up, but hey, what's more hardcore then the biggest festival of the year,and having us tackle it, and of course succeed!
A huge TIHC update will follow with how we did.
No one else has a GWAR cake. So right there automatically should make us awesome.

What Hardcore Sweet been up to?!
Many festivals, and events. We are trying to really get into a system of business sided things. As I promised, I will get into the possibly boring side of a food truck,because as any might think...I sit here and wear an apron and make cupcakes with a smile on my face.

We have to deal with not just one health dept like a store, but multiple. We have to deal with the police, and let's just say its not a breeze to operate a food truck in our hometown, sadly. We have truck problems, 120 degrees in a huge tin can, because we probably got ripped off by a shitty company. Hey it happens right. You live, you learn. We make the best of it. 

Oh and did I mention working with your husband..again 
Like the cops, it's not a breeze. It's tough. It's constant work. Once I'm home, I'm doing invoices, marketing, recipes,scheduling...it really doesn't stop,and neither does the costs. It's a tough business, and running a business with your husband can really ruin a marriage. We have had countless disagreements, dozens of fights, and a handful of all out brawls practically...but hopefully this will make our business, and really more importantly our marriage, stronger. We have sacrificed so much. We believe in each other, and that's the most important part.

And lots of back rubs after a long day :)

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Blizzard of 2013.
Jam packed weekend is on HOLD! 
Look at how cute my husband is, shoveling out Betty and our walk way!

We have rescheduled our events for this past weekend. We apologize to everyone. However Gov. Malloy has stated to stay off the roads. Just because the snow is done, doesn't mean there isn't a lot of clean up that needs to be done. We live on a very steep hill.  Chancing driving Betty down it, and um.. well not being able to stop wouldn't be a great way to start the new week.

Testing recipes all weekend :)

Friday, February 8, 2013

Love is in the air... and so is A LOT of snow!

Valentine Day Sampler Specials

Love Bug: Our Yellow Cake with Oreo Cookies baked in, filled with a marshmellow filling- topped with a chocolate Oreo whipped cream frosting, and of course a little lady bug.

Love Potion #9: A vanilla bean vodka cake is topped with a Godiva whipped frosting, strawberry sauce and an edible rose petal.

Cupids Chocoholic Hold: A devils good cake is baked with chocolate chips, a strawberry frosting, and a heart cut out, with chocolate ganache drizzle.

Baci: An angel food cake is filled with a nutella frosting, fresh whipped cream and coco powder.

Bleeding Heart: A white cake is filled with a berry compote, topped with a chocolate mousse and dark chocolate shavings and heart

Aphrodisiac:  Our dark chocolate and Merlot cake is dipped in a dark chocolate ganache, topped with a chocolate buttercream and drizzled with a Merlot reduction. 

MANcakes Valentine Sampler Specials

Chicken n' Waffles: Our cinnamon spice cake is topped with a maple buttercream, and topped with homemade buttermilk waffle bite and chicken piece.

Burnin' Love: Fit for a King- our chocolate cake is filled with a banana pudding, topped with a chocolate peanut butter frosting and a peanut butter drizzle.

Beer n' Pretzels: Our Guiness Stout Cake is dipped in a chocolate beer ganache, topped with shards of pretzels and caramel and chocolate drizzle.

American Pie: An Apple Cinnamon Cake is filled with Onyx Moonshine reduced apples & brown sugar topped with a whipped vanilla buttercream

Ozzy: Chocolate Bourbon Cake is filled with a chocolate ganache that has caramel and pecans folded in, chocolate buttercream, dark chocolate shavings and salted caramel topper. 

 The D: A cookie crust has a red velvet cake with chocolate chips baked in, a classic cream cheese frosting and a homemade chocolate chip cookie on top.

You can place your orders up to Wed morning, and delivery is free within 15 miles! 
Surprise that special someone with something a lot better then roses! 

Some from the Chocolate Lovers Expo... yes we did it- all of it! I am so proud of myself and Jeremy for doing all this baking, planning, prepping, driving, ordering, messaging just by ourselves that many bakeries have atleast a handful of employees for. We have our parents. Thank God- they help so much with the kids that it really wouldn't be possible.
I have my awesome amazing assistant at our events, Corin- who happens to be our exclusive photographer. Yes, a cupcake shop has a photographer. What can I say.. we are glamorous. Plus pictures are really what do food justice and I love having someone taking pictures of all these events. Check her out on Facebook, and her website- http://corinwintersphotography.weebly.com/contact.html

Friday, February 1, 2013

Can we finish this weekends orders...
I want a BOTTLE of wine, and a whole night of catching up on my bad reality TV shows if I do.

Oh wait, It is Bunny's birthday Monday.
After that, then another jam packed week.

Bunny is going to be 2. If you keep reading our blog- which I really hope you do, I promise I will get better; perhaps more interesting, you will get to know our kids nick names. There is Bunny, Bubby and Babe. Catchy right?

We have a ton of orders this week, PLUS this huge Chocolate Lovers Expo, we were hesitate about- but jumped in and figured WHY NOT?! Then realized Bunny's birthday is the following day, and it lands on Super Bowl. We have some orders for football day. That is one thing that helps- guys LOVE our cupcakes.

Who wouldn't love a chicken n' waffle cupcake, or our superbowl cupcake, with chicken wings on top.
Ok, most people.

There is a lot to do, and there was a lot done today as well. We have been going back and forth on a bakery space, just for commerical baking- then going back and forth on making it retail, and so on. Well I don't know how we did, but we lucked out on who we became partners with.

- Side note, I know many don't know the background, but you can go to our about us page... and figure it out. We partnered up with 2 really amazing, and genuine people. In all honesty, they are smart business people, they are kind hearted and it doesn't feel like a business meeting when we are sitting there for 3 hours, talking about serious discussions and then joking around telling Jeremy to "fuck off." Hey, sometimes you have to lighten the mood.

But yeah, the owners of John Bale saw what we had as an idea, and believed in it- in us, in our dreams.. and now we are trying to figure out the next step... and we did. Jeremy and I thought about it all night while baking and we are really excited about the step up. Stage 2 of Hardcore Sweet LLC so to speak. We will be having our own kitchen area, no more 7pm baking sessions and staying up till 3am, and then up at 6am.. No no, momma is getting on a schedule- which means MORE cupcakes, cakes, brownies, etc... and we will have our own area for retail.
In probably one of the nicest places in Waterbury- with great clientele  with partners that not only support us, but are behind us 1000%. We are excited in this next phase of our business, and can't wait to see what the warmer weather brings! Betty will be out and about as much as we can, that I can bet on! 

Pictures will be up soon from the expo. I am so lucky to have a best friend, who happens to be a fantastic photographer and helper at these events. Corin Winters Photography out of Naugatuck! So I know she will get some Glamour Shots for us.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

So maybe I am not THE best blogger.
I am not even a great writer.
But I am trying. I am trying to do all the baking, the website updates, the emailing, the inventory, the classes and planning those, so everyone bare with me.

This is not going to be a juicy blog. Sorry. This is just a hey... this is how it is to run a business, from the ground up! Interested? Then keep reading! 

Maybe this is more of a challenge because we have 3 small children (under the age of 6), maybe it is because we are limited in our baking time/area, maybe it is because we never expected to get such a response in a short time- but we are managing all these obstacles, because we really want to make this work.

I quote one of my favorite woman, Julia Child- "No one is born a great cook, one learns by doing."

How true. 

You gain experience by your mistakes I think. I can count on both hands how many dilemmas we had to go through (just this week!) but it makes me stronger, as a baker, a person and as a business woman. 

Wait did I just call myself that last one! Whoa! 
Well I guess I am. We went to vote for a brewery for "Best of Hartford 2013" while scrolling through, we saw Hardcore Sweet on a couple nominations. Is that for real?! 

I guess so. I guess we earned it, I am in a daze about it all. We are with bakeries who have been established in their own store, with their own clientele for 5, 10 and even 20 years. Our little business has only been around for 6 months! It is unreal, it is exciting... it is giving me anxiety!  Literally. 

I know most are on our website because they are interested in Hardcore Sweet Cupcakes, well like I said from the beginning, my life, my children  my husband, is all a part of Hardcore Sweet.. we have no personal life (welcome to being that big business woman right!) So it all molds into one, at least for now... until we work out all these bumps, and iron out our details while we really brand ourselves and get settled into a routine.

I feel terrible because I have all my orders in line, but I forget Wed is cookie day for my 6 year old. I forgot to wash my 3 year old's favorite blanket, I forgot our 2 year old's birthday! Okay that one is a fib. Sort of.

Well, these anxiety attacks I have been having are just out of control. I haven't had one in a while, but the past 2 days are nuts. I can't concentrate, I have the jitters, I felt so silly calling my mom at midnight last night to talk me out of a crying fit. But hey it happens, I am human, and yes I get overwhelmed  There is a lot in my cupcake plate. I want to be the best mom in the world to my kids, because hey, doesn't any mom? I want to juggle it all, and sometimes I feel like I fall short in one or the other. It is really because of my schedule now- Just like my mom left it last night, and always tells me... "This too shall pass..." 

I have a wonderful opportunity ahead of me. I am going to keep trucking along and  hey I got a nom for best of Hartford 2013 :)


Saturday, January 5, 2013

We like to make things custom!

So on top of crazy flavored cupcakes, we are trying to really show off our cupcake topper skills. Edible wafers, fondant, we try to do it all. This isn't Cake Boss or Ace of Cakes... This is just us.. We aren't too fancy, and hell not classically trained.  Our baking classes are tested by trial and error. Not everyone needs a degree to put out good food. You need creativity and a good palate.

Dental Cupcakes
Which brings me to getting an email from a secret foodie blogger! Someone actually wrote a review about us secretly. This is the second time. First this happened during Garlic Fest. A woman posted in her blog she went to the Fest to review local food in the area. She had pictures of the truck and cupcakes and she was crazy about the whole idea, and concept. We just happened to stumble across her blog and glad we did. This recent blogger however was different. He went on a mission to review us. He does this for a lot of bakeries, diners, wineries, etc...

His review was very well written and detailed and hearing any review about your product helps you grow. The compliments assured me of our cupcakes and the hard work is worth it and we are pretty damn good. His negative, well..his input didn't upset me..it is helping me realize this is something that can grow. I need to believe that and push it. His downside to our company isn't the cupcakes. It is about the  accessibility to get them. Which leads me to...are we ready for a store front!?
I go back and forth... Let's just save and run the truck, then the calls come in asking where is our storefront, what are our hours because the locations we sell out of are closed, sold out or not having too much of a selection. It is all true.  We have lost out on so many orders because our cupcakes are not injust their store. People love our freshly baked style, but sometimes in  a pinch people just need to grab dessert on the way home from work. Daily we miss those sales. Whenever Jeremy is on the phone and hear him explain the setup, and then hang up without someone placing an order..my heart sinks a little. 

We have good ideas and style.. I don't see Hardcore Sweet in a strip mall I see us in a tiny store, with vintage bowls, and tables. And records on the wall. I see local art and music throughout our beautifully painted red walls. I need people signing our "guest  book" which are old 45s hanging. I see our company expanding. I see a lot of work ahead. 

I can see it and I believe in it. 

Isn't that where you need to start believing in yourself, your product and most importantly your dreams. Ede brought me to her friend Rita's chic chocolate shop in Mystic. It is beautifully hers. Nothing fancy, but inviting. It was nice to talk to two business woman who didn't have a degree, a background in the food industry but both are thriving and have their own business, their own place to make their own.  It inspires me.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

So this is the New Year... and I don't feel any different!

Actually this year has been the year of change, and growing.

I didn't watch the ball drop.
3 kids. crazy work schedule.
10pm was the new year for me! 

To be honest, I kind of felt upset. I didn't get to get a midnight- "New Years" kiss, but I am sure it will be just as good at 9am, on January 1st while making coffee.

I am starting this blog, because really I love to write, I remember writing my own stories, and even newspaper when I was little. My mom loved them, and said it was so well written. I was 8. I am sure any type of newspaper that your daughter writes is good in a mothers eyes. 

There will probably be typos, mis-punctuation  etc.. and I am OK with that. So the Grammar Police, don't harp on me too much. This is a blog from a mother, wife and new business owners stand point. How do you really juggle trying to be the best at everything and having it all. 

Is it possible?
Is it possible to be the best mother with the Pintrest Fad going on. How the HELL do I keep up with all those DIY projects I should be doing with my kids, when I have 950 cupcakes to bake with a 2 day notice.
Is it possible to build a brand out of a deli, and having to be up from 7am all day doing online management, deliveries, kid duties, then going in at 6pm to bake all night... is it worth it? HELL YEAH. 

Is it hard, is it draining.. is it not as "Fun" as everyone thinks. Absolutely  I swear I feel people just think you have your own business, and you are a millionaire  I think in my blog, I will be honest... too honest of how hard this really is to start up. Not to scare people away- but to make people realize, that I am not sitting on millions, not even thousands, and sadly right now not even hundreds (thanks Santa!) But to keep your eye on your goal in life. 

I will be able to not just talk about the "behind the scenes" aspect of Hardcore Sweet, but be able to show you what we are up to.On top of showing you how we do it all.
