It is now past Mothers Day. And I have a chance to s'it back, relax and reflect... oh wait. No, no that must have been in a dream I had. My kids miss out on "Mom Time" Alot. Like a lot more then I would even want to admit. If you come in the bakery, you have seen one, two or if you are lucky all three at a time. Is it professional? I'm not sure. Jeremy and a lot of customers have said that is how "family businesses' are. So I guess I will take it.
It doesn't make the screaming, crying and noise any less embarrassing. You never know who is walking in. I swear, Single Mothers everywhere need a damn trophy. How they handle it all is beyond me. We have a beautiful, and really supportive family who helps me out like I can't even describe. I also have my husband, my partner, my best friend- and my pain in the ass. He helps me more then I probably care to admit. But he does. I am human, I get frustrated with my kids. I don't know when to turn off "work." I never just stop. It is a constant battle of balancing work, mom and taking care of myself and mentality.
I want to be able to have my kids look at me, and learn from my successes and failures. I want them to realize that being rich doesn't mean you are successful. In all honesty, we are not rich. we are barely middle class- but I feel successful. We took everything we had and more, and pushed an idea into a company, worked this company night and day and created an actual business. I want my children to see I am doing this for them- to see that college degrees do not define you. That doesn't make you more better or worse. Take whatever you are passionate about and believe in it.
Whoa. That was deep. But honestly? It is so true. My kids each have their own cupcake on the menu now. They think they are hot shit. And, I mean they pretty much are. The pride that beams off their fair skin when I tell them their signature cupcakes were ordered, or sold out, is really enough of an approval of my long hours.
I am now on my 16th hour of work. No seriously. And that is about how every Friday and Saturday are.... sometimes Thursday and Sundays too. I am exhausted, I have about 50 people dancing to a cover band right now and I can barely keep my eyes open. But at the end of it all I feel really blessed to be able to call this idea, mine. Well no, ours. We are not perfect. Not every cupcake is perfect, or cake or flawless. Trust me, we learn more and more each day. Trail and Error, You Tube, Tips from others... we take it all. Honestly, sometimes I can't believe we have as many dedicated customers that we do. That we have so many customers walk in for the first time and now are repeats. So thanks for sticking with us through cakes that were less then perfect, cupcakes that were half the size, and flavors that should have never been together. We just keep trying to get better with age. Kind of like wine. ;)