Monday, November 24, 2014

Also I can't even believe I didn't post this. 

Personally, This is Hardcore is our favorite fest to do.

Why? Because its an out of state trip, which makes it exciting.
It isn't too far to make it a pain in the ass. 

This year Corin came and let me tell you - it was an amazing time. 
I wish we filmed all the shit that can go wrong in a food truck fest, in a road trip, in a work trip- in our day at Hardcore Sweet pretty much... 

We get to the hotel- they didn't book our hotel.
Do you know how hard it is to find a hotel that isn't booked during this weekend especially at 4am.

It was hot. Its end of the July, and when your AC was ripped off the week before your cupcake truck- let me tell you shit just is not fun. You are stressed your product will melt, that you made too much, that you forgot something (which lets be for real we did.) 

But one thing I can say is my husband went to this fest with reservations and excitement all in one.  Jeremy as he puts it, is on "hiatus" with his band. He left, he let them do whatever they need to do to put out another album. 

It's hard, I feel like I see my husband sad, and hurt- I hurt. Not to be a sentimental sap, but damn this was the one thing he dedicated himself to before he was married, so it hurt him to see his band play without him for this first time. It was like a band aid. Who knows how permanent it is, whatever his choice is - I support. Personally the reasons why it happened are his- they are silly, and I get his anger and why he just wants to be happy and not be near anything, anyone or any situation that is negative. He is so blessed to have some great friends, a lot that are now good friends of mine, and

Thank God my husband is a loyal guy. He is so optimistic and humble.  He at least got to do some filming at This is Hardcore- this is something him and a friend of his Mike worked hard on.

Jeremy is so proud of this video, and that makes me proud of him - he found something to be dedicated to- and I see the excitement he gets from making this mini documentary.


Okay, Okay I am such a liar. I can't keep up my end of the bargain on the blog. But then again - this is probably only for me, like a therapy. 

I need to get better at this, post, document, and look back and laugh at all the shit we have to do and hopefully smile in a year when all these sacrifices we are doing now will be in the past! 

Luckily we are getting an amazing crew. We are doing so many great opportunities. Too many opportunities are thrown our way, and unfortunately we have to turn down.

We have been asked to have our truck at every single event throughout the state, and we are so booked and with one truck we can only book up so much.

Hardcore Sweet is in high demand in LA- We were just asked to do the SOA series finale party, and the AMA's and a few other events- we just can't. We have small kids who have schedules, and a very small work crew, granted are amazing, but just not all are the most reliable. It happens.

Meeting with Mo, the owner of the Pin Shop this week gave us a huge perspective to running a business. This guy- is just one of the most nicest, kind hearted people we have come across, and his words of wisdom really do stick. This is someone who busts his ass all day, every day- and runs businesses.

He said, it takes a rare and certain type of person who can write their name on the front of the checks. Not everyone can do that- not everyone wants to. Most just want to come in do their minimal and get paid. 

It is hard, it is so hard to write so many checks out- make sure vendors are paid, employees are paid, rent is paid, and wait to take a check in 6 weeks after everything clears and you have a weekend. It is like a gamble sometimes - we have 3 kids and it is really stressful- lets hope we bust our ass hard enough to make sure we have enough money to treat the kids to ice cream this week, to pay the electric, hell - to have gas to get to our own business. 

We kind of laugh now, especially with local business owners, who know the crap shoot of owning a business- especially one that has NO, we mean ZERO capital. Every piece of equipment, we buy outright on sale, on Craigslist or through someone going out of business. Granted we have no debt (for the most part) but man it is a struggle. A struggle I don't think many families would do or even attempt. Sometimes I think we are crazy. 

Then I get an email from a bride, or someone with an allergy, who thanks us- who comments on how they would never go anywhere else- and it makes the stress worth it. It makes us push. Hustle. 

We have a motto at the bakery, and no we don't take credit for it but whenever we get overwhelmed one of us usually looks at someone else and shrugs and says "CAN'T STOP, WON'T STOP" 

So that is what we are doing, not stopping. There is no much planned, and in the works and for someone who can't even keep what they get people for Christmas a secret- this literally hurts me, but it'll be worth it! :)