Wednesday, January 30, 2013

So maybe I am not THE best blogger.
I am not even a great writer.
But I am trying. I am trying to do all the baking, the website updates, the emailing, the inventory, the classes and planning those, so everyone bare with me.

This is not going to be a juicy blog. Sorry. This is just a hey... this is how it is to run a business, from the ground up! Interested? Then keep reading! 

Maybe this is more of a challenge because we have 3 small children (under the age of 6), maybe it is because we are limited in our baking time/area, maybe it is because we never expected to get such a response in a short time- but we are managing all these obstacles, because we really want to make this work.

I quote one of my favorite woman, Julia Child- "No one is born a great cook, one learns by doing."

How true. 

You gain experience by your mistakes I think. I can count on both hands how many dilemmas we had to go through (just this week!) but it makes me stronger, as a baker, a person and as a business woman. 

Wait did I just call myself that last one! Whoa! 
Well I guess I am. We went to vote for a brewery for "Best of Hartford 2013" while scrolling through, we saw Hardcore Sweet on a couple nominations. Is that for real?! 

I guess so. I guess we earned it, I am in a daze about it all. We are with bakeries who have been established in their own store, with their own clientele for 5, 10 and even 20 years. Our little business has only been around for 6 months! It is unreal, it is exciting... it is giving me anxiety!  Literally. 

I know most are on our website because they are interested in Hardcore Sweet Cupcakes, well like I said from the beginning, my life, my children  my husband, is all a part of Hardcore Sweet.. we have no personal life (welcome to being that big business woman right!) So it all molds into one, at least for now... until we work out all these bumps, and iron out our details while we really brand ourselves and get settled into a routine.

I feel terrible because I have all my orders in line, but I forget Wed is cookie day for my 6 year old. I forgot to wash my 3 year old's favorite blanket, I forgot our 2 year old's birthday! Okay that one is a fib. Sort of.

Well, these anxiety attacks I have been having are just out of control. I haven't had one in a while, but the past 2 days are nuts. I can't concentrate, I have the jitters, I felt so silly calling my mom at midnight last night to talk me out of a crying fit. But hey it happens, I am human, and yes I get overwhelmed  There is a lot in my cupcake plate. I want to be the best mom in the world to my kids, because hey, doesn't any mom? I want to juggle it all, and sometimes I feel like I fall short in one or the other. It is really because of my schedule now- Just like my mom left it last night, and always tells me... "This too shall pass..." 

I have a wonderful opportunity ahead of me. I am going to keep trucking along and  hey I got a nom for best of Hartford 2013 :)

Saturday, January 5, 2013

We like to make things custom!

So on top of crazy flavored cupcakes, we are trying to really show off our cupcake topper skills. Edible wafers, fondant, we try to do it all. This isn't Cake Boss or Ace of Cakes... This is just us.. We aren't too fancy, and hell not classically trained.  Our baking classes are tested by trial and error. Not everyone needs a degree to put out good food. You need creativity and a good palate.

Dental Cupcakes
Which brings me to getting an email from a secret foodie blogger! Someone actually wrote a review about us secretly. This is the second time. First this happened during Garlic Fest. A woman posted in her blog she went to the Fest to review local food in the area. She had pictures of the truck and cupcakes and she was crazy about the whole idea, and concept. We just happened to stumble across her blog and glad we did. This recent blogger however was different. He went on a mission to review us. He does this for a lot of bakeries, diners, wineries, etc...

His review was very well written and detailed and hearing any review about your product helps you grow. The compliments assured me of our cupcakes and the hard work is worth it and we are pretty damn good. His negative, well..his input didn't upset is helping me realize this is something that can grow. I need to believe that and push it. His downside to our company isn't the cupcakes. It is about the  accessibility to get them. Which leads me to...are we ready for a store front!?
I go back and forth... Let's just save and run the truck, then the calls come in asking where is our storefront, what are our hours because the locations we sell out of are closed, sold out or not having too much of a selection. It is all true.  We have lost out on so many orders because our cupcakes are not injust their store. People love our freshly baked style, but sometimes in  a pinch people just need to grab dessert on the way home from work. Daily we miss those sales. Whenever Jeremy is on the phone and hear him explain the setup, and then hang up without someone placing an heart sinks a little. 

We have good ideas and style.. I don't see Hardcore Sweet in a strip mall I see us in a tiny store, with vintage bowls, and tables. And records on the wall. I see local art and music throughout our beautifully painted red walls. I need people signing our "guest  book" which are old 45s hanging. I see our company expanding. I see a lot of work ahead. 

I can see it and I believe in it. 

Isn't that where you need to start believing in yourself, your product and most importantly your dreams. Ede brought me to her friend Rita's chic chocolate shop in Mystic. It is beautifully hers. Nothing fancy, but inviting. It was nice to talk to two business woman who didn't have a degree, a background in the food industry but both are thriving and have their own business, their own place to make their own.  It inspires me.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

So this is the New Year... and I don't feel any different!

Actually this year has been the year of change, and growing.

I didn't watch the ball drop.
3 kids. crazy work schedule.
10pm was the new year for me! 

To be honest, I kind of felt upset. I didn't get to get a midnight- "New Years" kiss, but I am sure it will be just as good at 9am, on January 1st while making coffee.

I am starting this blog, because really I love to write, I remember writing my own stories, and even newspaper when I was little. My mom loved them, and said it was so well written. I was 8. I am sure any type of newspaper that your daughter writes is good in a mothers eyes. 

There will probably be typos, mis-punctuation  etc.. and I am OK with that. So the Grammar Police, don't harp on me too much. This is a blog from a mother, wife and new business owners stand point. How do you really juggle trying to be the best at everything and having it all. 

Is it possible?
Is it possible to be the best mother with the Pintrest Fad going on. How the HELL do I keep up with all those DIY projects I should be doing with my kids, when I have 950 cupcakes to bake with a 2 day notice.
Is it possible to build a brand out of a deli, and having to be up from 7am all day doing online management, deliveries, kid duties, then going in at 6pm to bake all night... is it worth it? HELL YEAH. 

Is it hard, is it draining.. is it not as "Fun" as everyone thinks. Absolutely  I swear I feel people just think you have your own business, and you are a millionaire  I think in my blog, I will be honest... too honest of how hard this really is to start up. Not to scare people away- but to make people realize, that I am not sitting on millions, not even thousands, and sadly right now not even hundreds (thanks Santa!) But to keep your eye on your goal in life. 

I will be able to not just talk about the "behind the scenes" aspect of Hardcore Sweet, but be able to show you what we are up to.On top of showing you how we do it all.
